KeePassXC, a community fork of the KeePassX password manager, is now available to install on Ubuntu as a Snap package.

The fork “aims to incorporate stalled Pull Requests, features, and bug fixes that are not being incorporated into the main KeePassX baseline.”

Or, to put it more simply, it’s under active, on-going development.

KeePassXC, KeePassX or KeePass?

Password manager apps let you save and store your passwords locally, and enter them into websites and apps as and when needed.

KeePassXC, or KeePass Cross-Platform Community Edition to give it its full title, is a fork of the password manager app KeePassX, which itself is a port of the Windows-specific KeePass.

All of the apps are compatible with one another. KeePassXC (like KeePassX) supports the KeePass 2.x (.kdbx) password database format, and can import KeePass 1.x (.kdb) databases, too. It also has keepasshttp support for use with PassIFox for Mozilla Firefox and chromeIPass for Google Chrome.

Password databases are encrypted using AES (alias Rijndael) encryption with a 256 bit key, and can be used entirely offline. You don’t need an internet connection to ‘auth’ or ‘decrypt’ passwords.

KeePassXC (like all versions of the app) does not have built-in cross-platform sync functionality, but you can use a third-party solution like Dropbox or NextCloud to achieve it. This decision makes the app particularly well suited to those who don’t want to use a password manager that relies on a specific cloud backend.

How To Install KeePassXC on Ubuntu


If you like using KeePassX but want fixes, features and patches faster, then this community-driven fork is well worth checking out.

To install it:

sudo snap install keepassxc

Once installed launch the app from the Unity Dash or via the command line using:

snap run keepassxc

From here you create a new database and add your passwords to it, or import an existing database.