libreoffice 5 2 single toolbar writer

LibreOffice 5.2 was released last week and you are loving the changes it brings, like a new single-toolbar mode for Writer.

And while packages were made available in a variety of formats, from source downloads to Snap and Flatpak, I know some of you have been patiently waiting to upgrade from the official PPA.

So this post is a short PSA to tell you that the latest version of LibreOffice is now available to install from the official LibreOffice PPA.

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS are supported.

To add the LibreOffice PPA to your Software Sources you should open a new Terminal (Alt + Ctrl + t) and enter the following command, confirming your user password when prompted:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa && sudo apt update

But before you proceed to run sudo apt upgrade or launch the Software Updater to complete the upgrade there’s a small package conflict you’ll need to take care of first.

LibreOffice 5.2 uses the newer LibreOffice-GTK2, so you’ll need to manually remove the old version before LibreOffice can be upgraded:

sudo apt remove libreoffice-gtk

Now complete the upgrade by running:

sudo apt dist-upgrade && sudo apt install libreoffice-gtk2 libreoffice-gnome

That’s it. You should now have shiny new versions of LibreOffice Writer, Calc, Impress, et al.