linux journey homepage

Ever wanted to learn more about what makes Linux so …Linuxy?

‘The site skips the usual clichéd articles …to teach you what matters: Linux itself’

Check out Linux Journey, a new website built by Redditor WarbyDarby, and designed to help you learn how Linux works.

The site thankfully skips the usual clichéd articles that traditionally pad out introductory sites. You know the kinds of posts I mean: ‘what is Linux?’, ‘how to choose a distro’, ‘how to dual boot with windows’, etc.

Not that those aren’t useful. If you don’t know if you want to use Linux they most certainly are.

But installing Linux doesn’t instantly unlock a fountain of knowledge in your head. It’s the starting point of long journey

So, instead, the aptly-named Linux Journey puts the focus on telling you about the stuff that matters, stuff about Linux itself.

A bevy of bitesize lessons aim to teach you how key parts of Linux work they way they do (no matter which distribution you install) as well as how you can use, master and/or learn from them.

The website is in the process of being open-sourced. Check out the GitHub page for further details.

Why Linux Journey?

Sharing a link to his site on Reddit, WarbyDarby says that:  “[I made the website to] help newcomers learn Linux and I’d really appreciate some feedback.”

”It’s a little more in-depth than some other learning Linux sites, but the reason I made the site was to gain a better understanding of Linux by teaching it to others. 

“There are portions for each section for exercises and quizzes (which could use a lot of work). I initially wanted to add an interactive console, but it became way too much work for a hobby site.

Beautifully Designed, And Useful Too

The entire site looks beautiful.

It’s a tad Material Design, and makes great use of colour, layout and iconography.

Subjects are neatly categorised and are broken down into easily digestible ‘lessons’. Most lessons have a set of exercises and an interactive quiz to help you put you’ve just read into practice.

Learning about the Linux kernel

Whether you want to get started with vim or emacs, learn more about the Linux kernel, or tool up on practical, useful skills that can help you troubleshoot your own install, do check the site out and head over to Reddit to leave your feedback (and praise!).

Visit the  Linux Journey website