Earlier this week the Bq M10 Ubuntu tablet started shipping out to customers, and many readers have mailed in to  tell us they’ve already received theirs.

But if you, like me, won’t be getting up-close and personal with one of the 10.1-inch slates any time soon, you may be curious as to  how the device is packaged, what accessories and leaflets are included, and how the initial out-of-the-box set-up is handled.

Well, wonder no more.

M10 Unboxing Video

YouTuber Sebastiaan Mathôt has gotten his hands on an M10 Ubuntu Tablet. Rather than rip open the package, turf out the tablet, and play about with convergence he’s taken the time to record an unboxing video.

Hit play to see Sebastiaan walk you through shrink-wrap to set-up.

Update: And another has appeared online:

I appreciate that unboxing videos are not popular with everyone, but I do ask that comments are kept respectful. It’s not like we get to see official Ubuntu kit unboxed often, and no-one is forcing you to sit through the whole thing.