utopic-unicornUtterly unsurpassed ungulates! Ubuntu 14.10 has been named the Utopic Unicorn!

Announcing the moniker on his blog in his traditional alliterative way, Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth sets out the aim of the release:

“…now’s a good time to stand united in favour of the useful over the uncolike and the utile over the uncous.

Let’s make something amazing. Something unified and upright, something about which we can be universally proud. And since we’re getting that once-every-two-years chance to make fresh starts and dream unconstrained dreams about what the future should look like, we may as well go all out and give it a dreamlike name.

Concluding with the name, Shuttlewortrh gives a call to saddle action

Let’s get going on the utopic unicorn.”

What’s In a Name?

The word ‘Utopic‘ is derived from ‘Utopia‘ and is used to describe a community, society or project that has reached some a shared degree of progress or ‘ideal’. The Unicorn is an animal from mythology generally depicted as Equidae with a lone, long spiralled horn on their heads. 

Ubuntu 14.10 for servers and desktops is set for release in October 2014.

On to the back of the legendary steed we do jump…

utopic unicorn