
With only 3 physical Ubuntu Edge prototypes said to be in existence it’ll be a long time before many of us will be able to go hands-on with one.

At least physically speaking, that is.

Not wanting people to miss out on the excitement that comes from exploring a device close up, an OMG! reader has crafted an accurate 3D model of the Edge ‘so that everyone can (virtually) hold it in their hands’.

‘I hope this gives a bit of the feeling of the phone, and facilitates the decision for wanting to buy one.’


The interactive 3D Edge, created by Aerilius‘, is hosted on Sketchfab. Sketchfab  uses standard web technologies like HTML5 and WebGL to render models in stunning detail, with support for shading, reflections and lighting to bring renders to life.

Fancy shaders and pretty effects would be irrelevant if the Edge model was lacking. Thankfully it’s not. The beauty of the real Edge has been translated perfectly to the virtual model – from every perforated dot on the Edge’s edges to the rounded corners of the buttons and camera lens.

Hit the Sketchfab logo in the play above to go hands on or, for a larger view, visit the Sketchfab web page by clicking the button below.

Virtual Ubuntu Edge on Sketchfab.com

To help the Ubuntu Edge become a real working super-phone, visit IndieGoGo:

Ubuntu Edge on IndieGoGo

Thanks to Aerillus!