large_Screenshot 2013-06-27 00-05-50Canonical has announced plans to group its user-facing account services under one unified branding.

‘Ubuntu Single Sign On’ – used to get access to online services like Launchpad and the Ubuntu Forums – and ‘Ubuntu Pay’ – the payment handling process for software and media purchases – will be rebranded under the ‘Ubuntu One’ moniker.

This will be simply a branding change; there are no functional changes,‘ Canonical say of the change, adding that ‘an Ubuntu One account will continue to be both free and optional.’

Confusing Experience

The re-branding effort is the result of user testing. It seems that having different names for different features that are connected was a little confusing!

Ubuntu Single Sign On will be the first service to re-labelled to Ubuntu One, and aside from a change on the login page few are likely to notice any change at first.

But that’s not where it’ll end, say Canonical.

‘Over time you will start seeing that the information these separate services gather and provide will start to be accessible all from the same place, removing a lot of the confusion we see today.’

With Ubuntu itself moving towards convergence it makes sense for elements central to getting the most out of it to do so too.