unity dashUbuntu’s design team want to know how you use Unity’s Dash to search for products.

In a survey running until June 24th, users are being invited to share their approach to search with Unity’s designers.

‘We are interested in finding out how you interact with the Dash on Ubuntu, as well as with a large e-commerce website’, Canonical say.

‘Understanding our users is an integral part of the Canonical design process.’

So, as the team seek to improve the user experience of the Unity Dash, they’re turning to Ubuntu users for guidance.

How To Help

Taking part in the research is straightforward.

You need to be using Ubuntu 12.10 or 13.04 and have the Shopping Lens enabled and be willing to:

  1. Record two videos of your screen whilst searching for a product in the Dash and on a website (relax, no need to actually buy anything)
  2. Send those videos to Canonical via a special e-mail address
  3. Complete a short survey on how you search in the Dash/website

We’ve been assured that the survey is completely anonymous and that all videos and data sent in will only be used by Canonical for analysis.

So what are you waiting for? Here’s your chance to help shape Unity. Hit the button below for a full briefing on what’s involved and how to get involved.

Take Part in Unity User Testing

Deadline for all replies is June 24th, 2013 – so get your skates on!