
The 12 Ubuntu Touch applications being built as part of the Core Apps Project are now available for installation on the Ubuntu desktop.

A daily PPA packaging up the latest code for each app during its development can be added to Ubuntu 12.10, and the apps launched from the Unity Dash.

While it’s early days for the apps so far (few actually do anything yet) the PPA gives enthusiasts and those not using Ubuntu Touch Prevew a way to check in on progress, and join the development and testing of apps.

Ubuntu Core Apps in Quantal

As work proceeds on them chances are you’ll see them come to life. But for now, there’s not an awful lot to see.

Ubuntu Touch Core Apps PPA

This PPA contains development software. Bugs, crashes and general all-round-calamity can be expected.

To add the Core Apps Daily PPA you need to open a Terminal and run the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/daily

sudo apt-get update

Now install the app(s) you want to toy around with by running:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-*-app

Replace * with the name of the app you want to install (e.g. filemanager, twitter, facebook, clock, calendar, weather etc).

A full list of core apps is available on this page.