With just over two weeks left for photographers, illustrators and other arty-folks to enter the Ubuntu 13.04 Wallpaper Contest we thought now would be a good time to take a gander at the stunning work already submitted.

10 entries will be chosen to ship on the Ubuntu install image, thereby available to millions of users from the get-go. In a break with tradition Ubuntu revealed the ‘default wallpaper’ for 13.04 early. 

Our Top 10

Having sifted through the 200+ entries entered so far, we’ve pulled out 10 of our favourites to share with you. We judged them based on how well they sit with Unity’s desktop elements; their ‘chameleon colour’; and the overall tone given to the desktop.

If you see an image you’d like to use as a wallpaper simply click it to be taken to its page on Flickr.

‘muelle’ by manuhank
NicDahlquist’s ‘Landing’
‘Magnetic Beads’ by Sam Hewitt – Great Positioning for Unity
‘Whaleshark’ by Jürgen Donauer Adds Striking Colour to the desktop
Bokeh Effect Captured by Pawel
Stop the Light by mrxapoh Evokes Ubuntu’s Color Scheme
This urban cityscape by Jagod8 gives a warm vibe to the desktop
Phillip Taylor adds the obligatory ‘illustrated mascot’ design
You can almost feel the crisp morning air just looking at these dew laden branches, taken by Daniel Grünfeld
This ‘Untitled’ snap by The Cookiemonster is dark but striking