Ubuntu designers have unveiled an updated set of icons for use in Unity.

New icons for the Ubuntu Software Center, the Software Updater, and Nautilus have been ‘released’ today as ‘part of a larger set of Launcher icon changes’.

As OMG! Ubuntu! writer Sam Hewitt recently noted, a unification between the Software Center and various ‘Software Updater’ applications was missing.

This update appears to address that directly by way of a uniform update icon ’emblem’ (an ‘A’ (presumably fo ‘Application’) with a loading bar 3/4 completed across it).

An asset attached the bug update for the icons’ release reveals that other new icons are on the way, too. These include a revamped BFB (the Ubuntu icon in the Unity launcher); a Faenza-style Ubuntu One icon; and a cleaner Workspace Switcher item that highlights the workspace currently in use.

Ubuntu recently confirmed that Faenza icon designer Matthieu James had been hired to work on a new icon set for Ubuntu – are these the first fruits of his labor?