Editshare, the company behind professional video editor Lightworks, have said that the release of their Linux alpha could’ve been communicated ‘more clearly’.

The tool, which made its Linux debut yesterday, was widely expected to be released as a public download.

But, despite previous announcements on the release not mentioning restrictions, the alpha was only made available to a limited number of testers – testers who had signed up to back in 2011.

Editshare have now responded to criticisms from users left deflated by the apparent about-turn.

“We realise many are frustrated that the Lightworks alpha is limited,” they told us yesterday. “We could have communicated our intentions more clearly.”

“This is a learning process as we work towards a stable public release and eventual open source project for all to use. Our plan is for a tightly focused alpha program to more quickly lead to a broader public beta, and from there, to a stable official release”

‘Polishing a Rough Diamond’

Anticipation for Lightworks’ Linux client is high, and has been ever since Editshare announced plans to open-source the tool back in 2010.

And rightly so.

Lightworks isn’t ‘just’ another video editor. Having been used in the television and film industries for years it has a prestigious reputation.

It’s port to Linux is another example of how much the traditional OS models are shifting.

the traditional OS models are shifting.

Apple’s OS X has long been the choice du jour of creative-types thanks to their industry-standard Final Cut video editor; Window’s grew up as the de facto choice for businesses and gamers; and Linux, with its malleable nature, has long been favoured by researchers, scientists and developers.

But the arrival of apps like Steam and Lightworks’ is chipping away at those well-defined walls.

Free from the security issues that plague Windows; cheaper and more adaptable than OS X; and more open and accessible for bending to specific needs, Linux will start to look like a truly viable alternative to outsiders.

Attention, time and investment from companies like Valve, Unity (the game engine) and Editshare are effectively polishing the rough-diamond of ‘Linux as a platform’ in to an irresistibly attractive gem.

So whilst it may be frustrating for us as users of the platform to have to wait to bask in that glow, it’s more important that everything is done right.