Love it or loathe the photo-sharing service Instagram is incredibly popular – but unless you using the iOS or Android app there is no way to get the most out of it.

Until now…

‘Friendly Photo’

Developer Anthony Papillion has begun work on a ‘beautiful’ Instagram client for Linux called ‘Friendly Photos’.

“[Instagram] has brought beauty into our lives, a Linux client featuring it should be equally beautiful,” Papillion wrote on his blog.

Details on the app itself are scant right now, but the plan seems to be to bring as many features of the mobile apps (filters, browsing, etc) to the desktop version.

Instagram themselves have no plans to release a desktop client, so Papillion’s app is not an official one, as he notes:

“I have nothing to do with the people who make Instagram. I’m just a user who… wants to bring it to Linux.

So far there’s nothing to play with, look at, or get overly excited by. But, like an Instagramer in a restaurant, you can bet your bottom dollar we’ll be sharing as soon as there is.