The Linux gaming scene appears to be moving  along faster than Sonic the Hedgehog strapped to the roof of a SuperTux Kart.

With so many developments, updates, releases, ports and Kickstarter projects being announced it’s hard for me to keep up.

So, from the last week or so alone, here is a bite-size rundown of the more notable gaming news on Linux that I didn’t get around to mentioning…

Lunduke Titles Go Open Source, Free

Bryan Lunduke successfully hit his goal of $4,000/m in PayPal subscriptions. True to his word, the effusive podcast host has begun open-sourcing his software titles.

Amongst these are Linux Tycoon and 2299: The Game. Both titles can be downloaded for free from

Memory Owl HD Updates

The developer of puzzle game Memory Owl HD got in touch to tell us that a new raft of updates are being pushed out to buyers:

“I recently updated Memory Owl in Ubuntu Software Center with new levels (Earth episode where you have to make the images touch after finding a pair and there are new obstacles – like a mole or carnivorous plant) and new graphics.”

Memory Owl HD is available from the Ubuntu Software Center priced at $3.99.

Carmageddon Reaches $600k, Is Linux Bound

By reaching its $600k strech-goal on Kickstarter, the sequel to overly violent racing game Carmgeddon is going to crash on to Linux.

Which is good news for gamers but bad news for digital pedestrians.

LodeStar: Stygian Skies Unlikely to reach Goal

In other Kickstarter news the promising ‘Tactical Science Fiction RPG‘ ‘Lodestar: Stygian Skies‘ is unlikely to meet its fundraising goal of $16,384.

With just over one day left to raise the funds the game total remains some $13,000 short.

OMG! reader Vlad told us more about it in an e-mail:

“The game is developed under Linux and for Linux. So it’s probably the first project of its kind, at least on Kickstarter. The game is a voxel based RPG, it looks really good, there are many screenshots and it will be released as Open Source.”

The following “video” offers some glimpses of the game aesthetic and mechanics.

Play Ubisoft’s ‘From Dust’ on Linux

Lilian Moraru mailed into tell us that Ubisoft’s ‘From Dust’ – a browser-based strategy game available in the Chrome Webstore  – works fine on Linux.

“The browser based version of the game has pretty high requirements but it works good on Linux anyway. At least that’s how it was in my case when I ran it on my nVidia Proprietary Drivers under Kubuntu 12.04.”

Things didn’t quite go as smoothly when he tried running with Intel HD3000 drivers on his i7 device. The workaround?

“In order to make the game work I have to run Chrome under Bumblebee from the terminal “optirun google-chrome”, it works on the external video card with the proprietary drivers.”

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