We can exclusively share with you the official disc artwork for the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS CD and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server releases.

The artwork keeps to the formula of the past designs with the default wallpaper of the release providing the backdrop.

The Ubuntu CD is stocked in the online Canonical shop as well as handed out or free at events promoting Ubuntu. Some Ubuntu LoCo teams provide discs for free to users otherwise unable to download/upgrade to the latest release of Ubuntu.

Based on past timings, pre-orders for the discs will likely go live a few days before April 26th, with a shipping date set to a week or so thereafter. The CDs are sold in packs of 5, 50, 100, and 200, with the former costing a low £5 + p&p.

Ubuntu 12.04 Server CD Cover

The on-disc artwork:

To bathe the above artwork in some context below sits the disc artwork for the last few releases.