Kazam Screen recorder is a useful tool for all kinds of activities, so we were sad to hear that it had issues running in Ubuntu 11.10.

Thankfully developer David ‘Big Whale’ Klasinc has picked the application up, dealt with its dependency issues and parked it inside a PPA for easy installation in Ubuntu 11.10.

Kazam – A Quick Recap

Kazam is a screen recording application that offers the following features: –

  • Can record sound and screen
  • Outputs files in .mkv format
  • Indicator applet for pausing and ending recording
  • On-screen countdown
  • Built in YouTube and Videobin uploading

But what are the results like? Are they better than the often-woeful outputs of GTKRecordMyDesktop?

As you’ll see in the demo video below Kazam doesn’t produce flawless results. The video I captured and uploaded seems to have a slow frame rate, giving a staggered video with missing-animations.

The convience of integrated YouTube uploading certainly goes someway to increasing the worth of Kazam, but it doesn’t match the fluid recording results produced by GNOME-Shell’s built in screen-recording app.

Edit: The application has since been updated with additional features. Click here to read about them and learn how to install it.