Canonical sell an Ubuntu-branded optical mouse in their online store – and i’ve can’t decide whether or not to get one.

My need? I can’t stand the trackpad on my netbook. At all. It’s small, overly responsive in places and not enough in others.

I also need a new mouse for use with my ASUS EeePad (when hooked up to a monitor).

Now I could get a cheap $5 one from the supermarket or eBay, but wanting to support Ubuntu, and liking the idea of an Ubuntu mouse to match my Ubuntu mousepad, the official ubuntu mouse is an attractive proposition…

Ubuntu mouse by Shannon Black

I noticed that one of our commenters, Shannon Black, owns one of the mouses’ and has a short review of how well it functions written up on his blog.

Being the nosey sort I had to read it, and it’s sort of sold me…

‘pretty responsive’

Although Shannon finds the retractable 50cm wire ‘short’, he likes the travel pouch that it comes with, the Ubuntu branding and, most importantly for a peripheral, its performance.

“The Ubuntu Mouse is highly responsive, and scrolly on the side is so much more awesome than the middle. Though …upon purchase [this] was a bit stiff, but after scrolling a few websites it decided that it didnt have to be shy around me.”

Do you own one? Is it worth buying?

Image by Shannon