If you follow this site then you’ll know that I am slightly addicted to playing various time-wasting games on my Android devices.

Procrastination shouldn’t be the preserve of my phone or tablet; I’d like to waste enjoy a spare 10 minutes playing them on my desktop.

Having previously highlighted Boggle-style word game Tanglet, I now turn to something more sparkly…

Gweled game in UBuntu


Gweled is desktop version of the popular “Bejeweled” puzzle game written in GTK+.

The aim of the game is simple: try to create lines of 3 or more gems, either vertically or horizontally, by switching around adjacent gems.

The game ends when there are no possible moves left.

Gweled comes with three play modes: –

  • Normal – you play until you run out of moves
  • Timed – try to score as many points as you can before the time runs out
  • Endless – the game ‘never ends’

These offer up a degree of variety so chances are you won’t get bored too quickly.


Preferences are basic.

You can toggle music and/or sound effects on and off (The 8-bit background music gets annoying after a while so this is a godsend).

You can also increase or decrease the size of the board. Changing the size of the board only affects the window and not number of jewels displayed.

Install Gweled in Ubuntu

Gweled can be installed in Ubuntu 10.10 through 12.10 straight from the Ubuntu Software Center or by running sudo apt install gweled (make sure you spell it correctly). Once installed, launch from the Unity Dash and start gaming!

Just don’t blame me if 2 hours pass in the blink of an eye…