Google Music Frame has a new name, and some new service support to boot.

The desktop-integrated web-app is now called ‘Nuvola player’, after the developer sought out a new name late last week. ‘Nuvola’ is an Italian word meaning ‘cloud’.

And as well as the new name, the latest developments builds also bring support for Grooveshark and 8Track music streaming services.

grooveshark desktop app stylee


Grooveshark in Nuvola works the same as the web interface. You can search for artists and tracks, queue songs up, and view various related artist data. You can also login to your Grooveshark account (should you have one).

As with Google Music, Nuvola provides Ubuntu Sound Menu, Tray/Unity menu options, and notification bubbles on track change for Grooveshark and 8Track.

A ‘switch service’ button is placed on the menu bar for easy switching between the three playback options: –

And a tab for managing ‘User Scripts’ sits in the Preferences dialog, but is not home to anything useful just yet: –

Installing Nuvola player

The features above, including the new name, will ship in the next stable release of Nuvola. If you’re impatient or willing, you can add the Nuvola Unstable Builds PPA to get the latest development version.

The Nuvola unstable builds (emphasis on the unstable) can be installed in Ubuntu 10.04 through 11.10 by adding the following PPA to your Software Sources: –


If you don’t already have Google Music Frame installed you will need to manually search for and install it from the Ubuntu Software Centre. (Yes, the package name is still ‘google-music-frame’.)

Should you already have the app installed you be prompted to upgrade by Update Manager.