An alpha release of Mint Spirit – a new system font designed for Linux Mint Debian Edition – has been made available for download.

Mint Spirit - The new font for Linux Mint

The font face has designed to give Linux Mint Debian Edition its ‘own identity’ and is said to draw inspiration from Futura, Gillius, NeoGothis and Ubuntu fonts.

The aim of the font, the developer says, is to create a ‘clear, fresh, nice and modern typeface usable for text and screen rendering, based on the LinuxMint logo.’

Alpha release

As an alpha release Mint Spirit is far from being a readily drop-in-replacement for more established fonts, although basic Unicode support is included in the alpha release.

The beta release will contain support for Turkish, Central and Eastern European languages, as well as ‘complete OpenType features’ and other glyph variations.

A web font version is also in the works.

Linuxmint forums via libregraphicsworld