Ubuntu friendly wallpaper changing app ‘Wallch‘ has added support for 64bit Ubuntu users in its latest release. 

Wallch – short for Wallpaper Changer – lets you configure when and how to change your wallpaper, and what to change it to; you add as many wallpapers as you like, order them in a queue or have them change at random at a chosen interval.

Other changes in the latest version include a new application icon, updated translations and a fix for the Live Earth wallpaper not changing correctly.

Although all of the changes are to be welcomed, particularly support for 64bit users, there are regressions too. For example, the Unity Quicklist, which contained controls for changing wallpaper from the Unity Launcher, has vanished.

Edit: No it hasn’t. If, like me, you don’t see the Unity Quicklist after installing just log out, log back in and re-pin Wallch to the Launcher.


Ubuntu 11.04 users willing to upgrade/install the latest release should add the PPA below to their Software Sources, update and then install Wallch from the Ubuntu Software Centre:

  • ppa:wallch/wallch-gnome2

Ubuntu 11.10 users can install Wallch from the Ubuntu Software Centre.