Want to help spread Ubuntu? Read on…

The California LoCo (Local Community) team are hoping to run spread word of Ubuntu via a booth at this years Libertopia event -a 3 day festival of “freedom, community and art” featuring ’…renowned speakers, workshops, panels, parties, banquets, music, film, art, literature, commerce, exhibitors, themed camps, performers…”. 

Libertopia 2011 runs October 21 – 23, and is hosted at the ludicrously named ‘Humphrey’s Half Moon Inn and Suites and Humphrey’s Concerts By the Bay’.

Why An Ubuntu Booth?

Regardless if your political ideology the promotion of FOSS at Libertopia makes sense: an event celebrating freedom in real life is the perfect place to share word of those same ideals but in their computer related context.

David Wonderly of the California LoCo (Local Community) team explained the motivation on his blog:

“After looking at what Libertopia is trying to accomplish in thought and ideals I thought this would be a perfect venue to do some FOSS outreach. As far as I know we will be the only tech booth at the event.”

Help Needed

The California Loco need help in getting to Libertopia: they first need to raise $400 to both purchase a booth and print flyers. Secondly they need volunteers (in the San Diego area) willing to man the booth during the event.

Donations/help can be made via the Paypal link on David Wonderly’s blog or by contacting the California Loco.

Thanks to Phillip B.