Opera developers have confirmed that GTK3 support has finally come to the cult browser.

Writing on the Opera blog Ruar degaard explains:

“Since some of the distros are starting to move towards Gnome 3 and hence Gtk3 we have been working to get Opera to support Gtk3 themes.”

Posting a screenshot of the work so far, Opera when used with a GTK3 theme looks how you’d expect: integrated, with widgets, input fields, drop-downs, tabs etc all adhering to the GTK3 theme in use.

October’s release of Ubuntu 11.10 uses the GNOME 3 desktop and a GTK3 versions of the Ubuntu ‘Light’ themes. Here’s hoping Opera manage to pop a GTK3-toting release out just in time.

In the mean time those who like to live in the bleeding edge can grab the latest development snapshot containing the GTK3 work @ snapshot.opera.com
