If you been wonderingwhether the indomitable elementary theme would look better with all dark colourings than its usual silverish skin then read on… 

Darn well dark

The theme is called ’elementary Dark’ and, according to the artist who has knocked it together, is a ‘soft and subtle dark theme based on the higly popular and modern elementary theme from the elementary project.

It uses the latest version of the eGTK theme from elementary, although only includes GTK2 and Metacity variants. A GTK3 port will released at a later date.

As dark theme goes it’s pretty darn dark. I’m not a resident in Fansville when it comes to dark themes, and elementary dark didn’t do anything to sway me. Whilst dark themes are great for specific kinds of applications, in general use I find them hard on the eyes, confusing to look at (particularly where icons use dark colours) and in some kind of pseudo-psychological attack they leave me feeling a bit, well, “meh”.


I am but one person, and I know dark themes have just as many fans as, well, whatever the polite term for an ‘un-fan’ is.

If you fancy it you’ll find the theme ready for download on ~satya164‘s DeviantArt page at satya164.deviantart.com/art/elementary-Dark-244257862

NB: The theme  looks best with Nautilus-Elementary - See here - and the elementary icon theme – see here – installed.