Keir Thomas, author of the hugely successful ‘Ubuntu Pocket Guide’, has recently started writing Ubuntu-based books for release on Amazon’s Kindle bookstore.

51EfBhi5x9L._SS500_Two titles are currently available, each costing a $0.99/91p each in the US and UK respectively.

  • ‘Managing the Ubuntu Software System’ offers to teach readers ‘the ins and outs of getting software onto and off your Ubuntu computer’.  (US link)
  • ‘Working at the Ubuntu Command-Line Prompt’ offers to get you up-to-speed on all of the command-line essentials.  (US link)

As I lack a Kindle or a review copy I can’t attest to the ‘usefulness’ of the books themselves, but with Thomas’ ‘Ubuntu Pocket Guide’ having been downloaded 1 million times there’s assurance enough in his ability to write and deliver compelling guides on Ubuntu.