The non-profit HeliOS Project – which refurbishes old computers (with Linux)  to give to disadvantaged kids in Austin and the Central Texas -  has the chance to grab some much needed funding.

And all you need to do to help is click a "Like" button.

HeliOS have been invited to take part in the ‘Rock A Charity‘ event run by Austin Involved which will see several non-profit charities compete to gain the most ‘Likes’ on their Facebook page over a 48 hour period.

HeliOS explain what happens next: –

"During that party, donors will be able to "purchase" small rocks.  There will be three conference rooms set up, each one representing a charity. Those conference rooms will have a table and a fish bowl in them.  The rock holder chooses which charity he wishes to support by dropping his rock in that non profit’s bowl.

At the end of the evening, each bowl is tallied and the winner receives the total amount of money from all 3 bowls."

The first stage of the contest is running from 9 AM CST on Tuesday, February 1st until 9 AM CST on Thursday, February 3rd only.

‘Likes’ made after this time will not count.