Thanks to some crazy time-zone shenanigans (like not living in India) I wasn’t able to attend the awesome ‘Ubuntu Developer Day‘ that was held in Bangalore today/yesterday*.

Designed to encourage developers to ‘get productive’ on Ubuntu, the event saw Canonical team members giving keynote speeches and ‘hands-on technical sessions’.

Thanks to a few of the tweeting attendees (big shout out to nigelbabu in particular) some notable news-worthy highlights include: –

  • Canonical will be spending more on advertising Ubuntu in the coming 6 months
  • An Ubuntu One SDK will be released in May 2011 as part of an app developer program
  • Canonical believe that ” Amazon has been leading the way for cloud interaction” but that Ubuntu is already great for Cloud deployments
  • A swag tote-bag was available containing a T-shirt, notebook, pen, and stickers

*depending on your timezone