Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign… all applications in Adobe’s widely used Creative Suite software package. None run natively on Linux.

‘Photoshop for Linux’ has been a chant bandied about since long before I discovered Ubuntu. So far the call has never amounted to much. One reason suggested is that Linux, as a market, is just too darn small to bother worrying about but note that the same was once argued for OS X.

Ubuntu continues to grow – and will continue to grow – over the coming years and an investment in bringing quality software with which people are familiar and/or trained in to the Ubuntu desktop would be a worthwhile move. With fantastic systems being put in place for purchasing paid-for software in Ubuntu the time has never been better to renew the strength in calling for CS on Linux.

817 people have currently voted for just that on Adobe’s ‘getsatisfaction’ feedback site prompting them to reply:

“Thank you all for your feedback. We do currently develop some software for *NIX, including Flash Player and Adobe Reader, so I can understand why you’d want the development and design tools as well.

I have forwarded this feedback on to the appropriate team who will consider it for future releases of Adobe software.”

You can vote on the ‘idea’ to bring CSx to Linux over @ You do need to ‘log in’ to vote however you can use your existing OpenID, Twitter or Facebook login to do so – so there’s no excuse to shy away!