Many users remained awed and paranoid over the extent of data that Zeitgeist is able to collate and display – from what song you were listening to when you were writing up your shopping list in Tomboy to which picture you were editing at 6.23pm on the first Tuesday in June!

All of this is useful in varying ways and to remain so Zeitgeist logs all it can by default.

But what if there are things you don’t want logged?

Blacklisting stuff from being logged is a feature already present in Zeitgeist – it just lacks a user-friendly graphical window to do it in. To rectify this Zeitgeist supremo Seif Lotfy has mocked up a potential UI to give the feature greater accessibility and is seeking some feedback back from you on the design.

“It uses much from what Sezen has to offer” Seif states in his post on the GUI, “…we use the same categories and the searching functionality. So when you search the categories with results get highlighted to allow you to control the logging of the results.”

  • You can stop Zeitgiest logging everything by toggling the Incognito mode, setting ‘Logger Status’ to ‘inactive’.
  • You can specify which applications Zeitgeist tracks data on under the ‘General’ tab
  • All other items can be enabled/disabled from their respective lists

This is just some initial mockups. If you want to join the development please join #zeitgeist on and don’t hesitate to ask for guidance. If you have a better idea for mockups please don’t hesitate to present it to us.