We’ve blogged about linux software for backing up your system before, but never have I seen one piece of software be so comprehensively awesome as this one.

Turnkey Linux Backup and Migration, or TKLBAM for short, is basically the most perfect backup system that there could be. The blog post introducing the software outlines its intelligent, pain free efficient manner of ‘knowing’ what to back up and what not to back up, and how to then reinstall or migrate your install to another system.

Thats right, migrating. Cool, huh? But get this: It can migrate from version to version of Ubuntu, 32 to 64 bit, or Ubuntu to Debian, from a local machine to the Cloud, from virtual to physical, all while fixing User and Permission issues on its own.

The software is open source, but does require an account with the TurnKey hub, which requires an invitation, as well as usage fees for the online storage (which at Amazon is $0.15 per gigabyte per month).

Additional usage and installation instructions can be found at the announcement. I don’t have a hub account, so I unfortunately cannot test the software, but if any of you have used the software already, let us know how it works!