Just under six months ago we shared an awesome Ubuntu 10.04 post-install guide by Danny Piccirillo.

Danny emailed me yesterday to let me know he’s working on a similar guide for Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, and he’s recently blogged about it – asking for submissions of your favourite applications for inclusion.

“A year ago i saw a lack of easy to understand yet comprehensive getting started guides for new users, so i decided to make one. I spent hours reviewing software, taking screenshots, and other exciting stuff in order to make a post-install guide which helps new users get used to and understand Ubuntu, and also recommend all sorts of apps that may be of interest to users of any level of experience. Please subscribe if you want to catch my next one!

My guides for Karmic and Lucid have gotten way more attention than i could’ve anticipated, and while some people have shown great appreciation with donations (thanks for the support!), nothing makes me happier than the hundreds of comments and even private thank yous about hear how these guides have helped them spread free software, or open source as you may have it, to their friends and family.”

You can help him get the best applications in his guides by recommending some wicked apps in the comments on his blog.