If you use the popular GnoMenu application in AWN you’ll find yourself stuck with a gold foot as your main launch icon – which is great if you like giant golden feet, less so if you were hoping for something more configurable.

For now this is a known bug but there is a work-around.

Use custom GnoMenu icon on AWN

First step is simple: find or create a replacement icon you would prefer to use.

You’ll need to save it as both ‘logo.png’ and ‘logo.svg’ for this purpose.

For example, here is the Faenza Ubuntu logo named as logo.png & logo.svg

Click here to download them

Replace the old with the new

Press the ALT and F2 keys together. In the run dialog that pops up enter: –

gksu nautilus /usr/lib/gnomenu/graphics/

Replace logo.png & logo.svg in this folder with the icons you sourced and renamed earlier.  One done close the Nautilus window and restart AWN.

Select your icon

Right click on the ‘golden foot’ GnoMenu icon, select preferences and the GnoMenu options will open up.

Press ‘Ok’ to reload everything, clicking on the ‘sad box’ icon if it appears to load your chosen icon.


Remember to be-careful when browsing files and folders with root privileges –  many of these files are locked for a reason.

Tutorial courtesy of J4X0R