If you’re a big fan of the Faenza icon set then chances are the following Faenza styled Conky bar, created by pingsuters over on gnome-look.org, is sure to tempt.

Merging a healthy dose of Faenza icons with a generous serving of your usual conky stats and info it makes for a slick attraction to the bottom of your desktop.

Easy to use

Installing and using Faenza-Conky is easy. Assuming you already have Conky installed (click here if not) proceed to download the archive below and extract it to your home folder.

Run conky using ALT+F2, enter ‘conky’ minus the quote marks and hit the enter/return key.


One draw-back is that the ‘theme’ only supports a width of 1280px however you are able modify the conky script and image files to support resolutions wider than this.