Love Ubuntu? Help spread the word.

1. Slap an Ubuntu sticker on your laptop

“A sticker? On my laptop?!”

It’s all about visibility and if you’re the type to flout about in cafes and coffee shops with your laptop then becoming a techno-billboard is a great way to stir interest in ‘Ubuntu’.

Admittedly, this is a very acute way of raising the profile of Ubuntu in social situations but think how synonymous the Apple logo, Dell logo, etc are on the back of a laptop. By showing off your OS choice on the back, and thus diverging from the norm, people will at least notice it. And who knows – they might even ask what it’s about.

2. Make a kick-ass YouTube Video

It probably seems like everyone and their dog has made a YouTube video showing off wobbly windows and 3D cubes but the over-exposed Ubuntu upload on YouTube still provides an important service. Such videos also hold a special place in my heart: it was how I first found out what Linux really was.

The power of these videos shouldn’t be undersold. For every by-the-book video of well intentioned compiz cube demos there are also well thought out and unique takes on what Ubuntu is. The ‘Ubuntu Ads’ project is a great place to see, and contribute, some inspiring user-created adverts, but there is much more out there too.

Put your creative wiles to the test and create something too!

3. Make some awesome materials for Spread Ubuntu project

If you’re a dandy hand at design then put your paw to creating some great marketing materials for the SpreadUbuntu project. Other users can download and use your work. Whether you want to create CD labels, leaflets for workshops and Linux classes or just giant release party posters you’ll be sure to find something to do.

Check out for ideas and tips.

4. The Ubuntu Test

Nothing will make people more inclined to use Ubuntu than knowing that they can use Ubuntu. Load up a USB stick with a persistent install and lend it to some friends and family. Let them play around in Ubuntu to show that the big scary world of ‘not-windows’ isn’t actually that scary at all.

Make use of some of the ‘5 Windows-only app equivalents’ to really prove that there is very little you can do in Windows that you can’t do in Ubuntu.

5. Ubuntify your life

If all else fails go blatant: Cover yourself head-to-toe in Ubuntu merchandise – Ubuntu t-shirt, tote bag, lanyard and anything else you can pin some Ubuntu Badges on.

When at home use an Ubuntu mouse mat, drink out of an Ubuntu mug and cuddle up at night with a limited edition Lynx toy.

You could even get an Ubuntu Tattoo likeDenham Coote from South Africa

Picture credits from top | Getch, SpreadUbuntu, Denham Coote