It may be the default theme for stock GNOME but the ‘Clearlooks’ GTK theme no-doubt remains on the fringes of taste for eye candy aficionados. Nevertheless the theme provides a clean and distraction free look for your desktop – but could it better?

Enter ~zentili on Deviant Art who certainly thinks so and has just updated his Clearlooks Revamp theme to version 0.45. More than just a lick of gloss, Zentili affirms that “ [every] aspect of the gui has been considered”.


The theme doesn’t require any extra theme engines to be installed instead relying on the default Murrine and Pixmap/pixbuf engines to have the drawing.

The theme pack contains versions for both standard Nautilus and Nautilus-Elementary as well as a very bland wallpaper.


Download the .zip file from the link below, extract and then install the relevant theme pack in your preferred method (e.g. open appearance properties, go to theme tab, drag and drop)

Tip via RayRaven