Trimmage app
Trimage (bottom) was inspired by OS X app ‘imageoptim’ (top)

Trimage image compressor will losslessly optimise PNG and JPG files in a snap.

Available with both GUI and command-line interfaces, the application optimizes images via optipng, advpng and jpegoptim, depending on the filetype.

The interface was inspired by OS X application ‘imageoptim’.

Install Trimmage on Ubuntu

Trimmage is best installed via its PPA: –

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kilian/trimage
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install trimage

This way you will remain up-to-date with future fixes and features, automatically have dependencies installed & won’t have to fiddle around compiling. If the latter reasons excite you then Trimage is, of course, available to compile from source.

Image Editors trimmage