A demo version of Andres Rodriguez’s GSoC work on a new GTK front-end for Ubuntu Development testing application TestDrive is now available for brave users to try out.

User should note that the Front-end is ‘only a demo and still contains lots of bugs’.

What is test drive?

I’ll let the Test Drive Launchpad blurb explain: –

“TestDrive is a project that makes it very easy to download and run the latest daily Ubuntu development snapshot in a virtual machine. Actually, it can be configured to download and run any URL-access ISO in a virtual machine.

But the primary goal is to provide a very simple method for allowing non-technical Ubuntu users to test and provide feedback on the current Ubuntu release under development.”

Test the new frontend

Currently users have to install two PPA’s in-order to test: –

  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:testdrive/ppa
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:testdrive-gtk/ppa
  • sudo apt-get install testdrive testdrive-gtk

Once install you can Launchd TestDrive via Applications > System Tools > TestDrive GTK Front-end

Via | Andres Rodriguez