Installing applications and PPA’s mentioned on OMG! Ubuntu! is just about to get super-easy.

We feature a boat load and then some of PPA’s on OMG! Ubuntu! and our preferred way of you installing those PPA is via the terminal – mainly ‘cos it’s quick.

If you have an aversion to terminal spiel – or just sit on the shy side of lazy – then the following mini-app created by the wonderful Silas should easily abate any qualms you have.

Say hello to a simple Python-based GUI for easily adding PPA’s featured on OMG! Ubuntu

OMG! PPA! Installer!

1. Enter the URL to a post featuring the PPA you want to install3

2a. For an application already installed add the PPA & Update

2b. For an application not already installed click add and install


Run using "gksudo python"