We get sent so many great ideas, awesome tutorials and see applications updates fire out updates quicker than a plasma canon hooked up to the national grid that even we can’t manage to keep up and/or squeeze it all in. 

When we get a back-log of things we half-wrote, didn’t write or plain forgot to notice at all we put them all in one post and call it a newsdump. So grab a shovel and dig through this… 

Netinstalling Ubuntu
Gonçalo Fernandes has made a fantastic easy-to-follow guide on installing Ubuntu from a network card. Yep you read that right!

Why would you need – or want – to use a netinstall? Fernandes points out: –

a) It’s the only way if you have a broken CD-ROM drive and your computer can’t boot from a USB key.
b) You don’t have to use additional media.

Sound like your idea of fun? You can read his full tutorial over @  http://my.opera.com/ilogico/blog/how-to-netboot-and-netinstall-ubuntu

Opera 10.53 Beta for Linux, Final heading to a repo near you
Opera for Linux finally strays from the (well-worn) Alpha path and heads out on the road to final release-ville with this first Beta release for Linux. It’s fast, shiny and the QT-less interface has shaped up nicely. Sadly it still has plenty of bugs to stop you using it as your default, but take it out for a whirl anyway.

In other Opera related news a change to the EULA (End user license agreement) that aims to make it easier for Linux distributions to include Opera
in their online repositories. A move that will help Opera gain more users and maybe even become the default browser on one or two distributions.

Ugly bootscreen fix
If you’re a user of either the propriety Nvidia or ATi graphics driver then you’ve likely made friends with a very low resolution bootscreen. Softpedia pillaged published a tutorial on fixing it up so it looks as it should.

If you intend to follow it please make relevant backups to any related files if it all goes Donky Kong 3 ..

Auto-start Empathy
Want Empathy to start-up when you log in? Add ‘empathy -h‘ to Startup Applications under the System > Preferences menu.

And finally…
The Maverick repo opened for business but don’t expect anything exciting in it for a little while yet…