Native Twitter applications are fast becoming the iPhone fart app of Linux: there is an endless stream of them, and they all pretty much do the same things.

Mitter enters the fray as Yet-Another-Twitter-Application but does it have anything unqiue to offer over more established apps like Pino, Qwit and Gwibber?

Mitter: Features

Mitter 1.0.0 Alpha 7 (!) supplys users with all of the regular expected features – you can read your timeline, replies, send updates, delete messages,and, well, that’s about it.

Main Mitter window showing unread tweets & update box

Tweets can be marked as unread and ‘cleared’ – a feature of Mitter that reminds me of OS X twitter applications.

Right clicking a tweet allows you to open that tweet directly in twitter – a nice, if somewhat pointless, item.

Mitter also makes use of a tray icon for notifications and minimising the app but this is its sole function so you won’t find any right-click options or menus.

Mitter tray icon


The biggest bug-bear I found in my sojourn with Mitter was the inability to click URL’s. Massive, massive flaw. The re-tweet button is incredibly illogical and were it not for wasting 1 second to invoke a tool-tip I’d be none-the-wiser as to which button it was. The inability to edit or control a retweet is, too, a major drawback.


You can download Mitter @ in handy .deb form.

Mitter can also run on Windows & OS X.