Docky. I love it. So when Herr Gabriel e-mailed me with his suggestion for improving multiple application window management in Docky I must admit that I was certainly interested.

“Since Docky is able to indicate if more than one window is opened and since it can tell us what windows are already opened by right-clicking on the respective application’s icon, it should be able to show a little window switcher when left-clicking on this icon. The attached image I made should give you an idea of how I think this should look like.”


I’ll happily admit that the currently “right click” menu for application windows isn’t as useful as it could be and this suggestion gives a good starting point for discussing the best way for users to utilise window switching in Docky.

As much as some people might groan at the suggestion i feel that a Windows 7 superbar style ‘hover + thumbnail’ approach would be a preferable method of invoking window switching rather than ‘right click > menu select’.

See the Bug report and on-going discussion over @