Having just posted Dichotomy, an Ubuntu 10.04 Ambiance theme spin, reader armageddon dropped by my inbox to mention a Radiance theme ‘spin’ called ‘Equinox’ he spotted over on on GNOME-Look.

And awesome it is, too.

Equinox Radiance


The theme requires the Equinox theme engine (install from here) but other than that it remains a faithful building block on-top of both the the Ubuntu 10.04 default Light theme and the new Ubuntu branding – adding purple hues to the widgets and, like dichotomy, adding strong orange flavours for highlights.

The Metacity is original and whilst I’m sure some won’t dig the low-profile (dare i say almost Aero-esque?) buttons i think they help make this theme something special.

Insetting the buttons/widgets is a super slick move and help the theme err towards something from the pages of the Elementary rule book. Kudos!

Download (.deb)


Thanks to armageddon