1. Drag n’ Click
You can now click and move a window from anywhere in the top part – both the metacity and the space next to the menu-bar are dragable.

2. Software Centre’s navigation buttons
Not only useful but really slick to look at!

3. Putting Nautilus tabs back on top
We mentioned that during the previous Alpha’s Nautilus’s tabs were moved to the bottom. This was a really annoying change but thankfully has been reverted back to normal (for now at least…)

4. Docky is in the Lucid repos
Not so much a change to Ubuntu itself but an awesome fact nonetheless – Docky is in the Lucid repos! No bzr branching and compiling needed to get the greatest Dock up and running on Ubuntu 10.04 – just whack install.

5. Nautilus wants to help you!
In various locations, such as the ‘Downloads’ folder as in the screenshot, Nautilus offers up helpful information and quick links to helpful tasks.

6. Ubuntu Radiance Tool-tips
You probably saw them in the Ubuntu Light promo shots and i can confirm they are every bit as gorgeous in reality. Sadly the slick purple ones are only on the Ubuntu Light/Radiance theme (I’m an Ambiance/Dark kinda dude). I’ve been randomly hovering over stuff just to catch a peek…


I’m not an ALT+Tab kinda guy (Compiz scale + hot corner for me) so i’m not sure if ALT+TAB is actually any different in Lucid to previous versions… either way it looks rocking!