An anonymous soul emailed me this mocked-up theme for Ubuntu Lucid.

They provided some reasoning behind what you see: –

The thing for me is that there are always little things that bother me with most themes. They may not be huge problems, but if I’m looking at something all day, I want it to be as polished as possible.

Of course, the obvious problem here is that everyone has different tastes as to what looks good, so it’s impossible to please everyone. I figured I’d try to please myself by designing my own mockup…

The mock-up is so gorgeous I’m debating whether or not to share it simply because the next line of the e-mail read: –

…unfortunately I know nothing about actually creating metacity themes and my graphic design skills are also limited.

Well, if recent events have showed us anything it’s that an awesome theme gets made reality! Pronto!

Click for larger view

*fingers crossed*