Ever wanted to let Ubuntu know which applications you want to see included in future releases? Well here’s your chance!

Ubuntu Forum Council member Matthew Helmke – who also co-authored one of the books that got me “into” Ubuntu, namely ‘Ubuntu Unleashed’ – has posted a thread on the Ubuntu Forums containing a survey asking users for feedback on application selection choices they’d like to see in future releases of Ubuntu.

We are trying to gather preferences for the apps that users would like to see in upcoming version of Ubuntu. While we all believe in the power of open source applications we are also very keen that users should get to choose the software they want to use. There are some great apps that aren’t yet available to Ubuntu users and Canonical would like to know the priority that users would like to see them. This list is indicative not definitive and we would love to also read your suggestions in the free text box.

You can take the survey @ surveymonkey.com/s/GFVQP62

The forum thread for leaving comments can be located @ ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1381221

(P.S. If you get stuck for “other” examples why not give OpenShot, Boxee or Google Chrome a shout?)