The people behind one of the most widely used cross-platform applications ever known to man – VLC – are due to formally announce the addition of a new project to their already impressive roster – the perhaps-not-so-snappily-titled “VideoLAN Movie Creator” (VLMC).

Aiming to do for pro-sumer video editing what VLC did for media playback, the project will support all three main OSes, use the QT framework (as VLC does) and no doubt strive to provide a comfortable and competent application.

VLMC is available to test right now using git://

Sadly I’ve yet to get the ruddy thing to compile (One keeps getting hit over the head with “‘uint32_t’ has not been declared” errors. Bite me!) but the VLMC website states that a pre-release version will be winging its way out of the barn very shortly!

Video editors for Linux are like buses – you wait ages for one and then loads turn up one behind the other!*

(*this may be a British saying so it’s okay to be confused!)

Thanks to Resu