Want a rotational, zoom-able globe on your desktop? How about a flying animated star field?!

Welcome to QUirky WaLlpapers KDE Edition.

“plasma-wallpaper-starfield” is a desktop background for KDEthat places an animated starfield over your wallpaper.

Although it can be quite CPU intensive and buggy, it’s worth trying out just for the “huh!” factor. Coupling it with a space-esque wallpaper makes for a super cool effect, too.

(Imagine this animated.)


You can install the plasma star-field (and a bunch of other updated packages from “untrusted” PPA’s) using this PPA [link].

Simple add the PPA, update and then install the ‘plasma-wallpaper-starfield’ package using ( the god awful) KPackageKit or via Konsole.

Setting your desktop to a move-able, usable globe (complete with a variety of themes) is very simple.
Open up KpacakgeKit or Konsol and install the kdeplasma-addons package.
Once installed right-click on the desktop and select ‘Desktop Settings’. Under the wallpaper menu chooce ‘globe’ and then proceed to choose one of the available themes.
Click ‘Apply’ and then zoom, twist etc until you get the desktop you want!