music logos[6]

Not a day goes by without my love of OpenShot growing just that little bit deeper – and today is no exception as the latest version, deep breath, 0.9.54 was released today giving OpenShot yet more clout to the title of  “most accomplished user-friendly video editor available on Linux”.

Try writing that on a badge!

What’s New?

Snap to seeker

The snapping tool has been empowered with an awesome “snap to play-head” function. Simply put this allows you to drag clips and have them “snap” to the red line that shows you what part of the video you are currently at. This is so incredibly helpful i may just burst.

Jonathan Thomas, creator of OpenShot, describes this in much better terms than I: –

Once you get the play-head into the perfect position, simply drag a clip close to the red line, and it will snap. Now you can line up clips across different tracks with awesome precision!

Auto-Extending Timeline

Dragging or resizing a clip past the end of the timeline will now auto-extend the timeline.


Scrollbars are now adjusted for when scrolling, keeping your clips in view. CTRL+Scroll Wheel now invokes zooming, too.

Scrolling Scrollbars

Scrollbars now “auto scroll” along when previewing or playing a track and keep the “play head” centred with it.

Other tidbits

For a few other changes and improvements check out the full announcement @



As always you can grab the latest release in handy .deb form from the official site @ – click the download tab and choose your OS.


Bleeding Edge PPA: