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OpenShot – a much loved Video Editor here on OMG!UBUNTU! – today launched a new experimental PPA for people wanting to sit on the bleeding edge of it’s development.

FFMpeg Off!
The current PPA proved to be nothing more than a disaster for users who installed OpenShot from it. OpenShot was packaged with it’s own codec libraries which replaced users traditional ones. The result was no video playback and required a jolly jaunt around some terminal commands to get it back working. It seemed users were stcuk with either OpenShot or keeping video playback.

The new ‘openshot-edge’ PPA solves this issue so users can install it (and heck uninstall it!) without creating issues or problems on their systems.


Each time an update is committed to bzr, this PPA is updated. This isn’t the most stable version of OpenShot… just the newest most bleeding edge version.

~ Jonathan Thomas, OpenShot Developer

This PPA is Karmic only and will not be totally stable. If it’s new features sooner you’re after then this is the PPA to use!

You can add the PPA via software sources using: ppa:jonoomph/openshot-edge
or via the terminal using: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonoomph/openshot-edge