The login and shutdown sounds for Ubuntu haven’t changed in what seems like eternity!

Given the current emphasis on creating a more modern looking Ubuntu desktop one has to ask who forgot about the system sounds?!

So the poll this week is: 

Poll Now Closed. Thanks for voting!

Ubuntu Login/Shutdown sounds – Nice or Not?

In-case you lack any speakers (or just quickly hit mute everytime you login!) here’s our Keith with a quick reminder: –

Login Sound
Logout Sound

Reasons to love
They’re part and parcel of Ubuntu. A part of it’s identity if you like, in the same way that the brown/orange colour scheme is. Changing the sounds would be like taking part of Ubuntu’s personality away.

Reasons not to
Well… you just have to listen to them! Aside from a high-pitched hissing sound emitted from the .ogg’s, audible on high-end speakers, they’re just a throwback to Ubuntu’s past that needs to keep pace with the rest of the evolving maturing operating system.